Why Can Spam Hurt My Marketing Strategy?

Spam can be the great villain of your marketing strategy. Want to know why? See our post! Everyone has received an invasive email they probably hadn’t requested, right?

Often, this content brings irrelevant information, with miraculous promises about how to become a millionaire in a few months or lose 10 kg in a week.

Generally, this content is created by malicious people who want to advertise their products for a very low price and even access your personal and bank details. A danger!

In this scenario, it becomes essential to participate in the Digital Market. However, the volume of new information is immense and growing exponentially. Most people need help to keep up with the constant changes in technology.

Therefore, preventing email marketing from being considered spam in the recipients’ inboxes is important. Want to know how to avoid this situation? Follow our post and see our tips!

What Is Spam, And Why Is It Bad?

Spams, known in English as Sending and Posting Advertisements in Mass, are electronic messages sent to many people online without prior authorization. Generally, it is advertising a product or service, reaching a wide audience.

In addition, users risk suffering scams, and contracting computer viruses, among many other nuisances.

Of course, all these characteristics are very negative. Now, imagine if this profile is assigned to your company. Spam can compromise your brand’s image and hinder your company’s relationship with consumers.

For this reason, all care is little. Nowadays, some tools block spam from entering the email inbox. Still, even so, many real messages need clarification with this type of content and end up putting the company’s email on the world’s digital blocklist.

How Does A Marketing Email Become Spam?

Many business people and communication professionals still need to learn why email marketing is mistaken for spam. If you are one of these people, stay tuned, we’ll explain it.

The first fact to note is that both contents are sent with the same purpose: commercial. Therefore, when your brand sends an email to the user without authorization, the user can mark the message as “spam”.

Have several contacts in your mailing taken this attitude? Your delivery fee will drop absurdly! Another point that deserves attention concerns the email servers.

Many of them, tired of spam, took the initiative to track the IP of senders who constantly used this practice. Once identified as spam, this server enters a blocklist and can hardly leave.

What To Do To Avoid Spam?

The best way to not be considered spam or get off the servers’ blocklist is to send emails only with users’ permission. Interestingly, you use good practices to avoid new problems and tarnish your company’s image with customers. Check out some crucial points:

Create A Solid Mailing List

The golden tip is to stay away from ready-made email lists. This practice will make you save time sending messages to users that are not your real consumers, and you will also run the risk of being blocked by the servers. The best way is to build your mailing list, requesting the consumer’s contact information whenever they purchase.

Produce Emails In HTML Format

Most emails are sent in HTML format. Still, some send content using a single image, as with JPGs. This is one of the practices contributing to your email being considered spam. The tip is to produce an email with 50% text and 50% image. There’s no mistake!

Allow The User To Unsubscribe Whenever They Want

The secret is to leave the user free to unsubscribe whenever they want. Therefore, provide a mechanism for the customer to stop being part of your mailing and, consequently, receive the emails. This option can be at the end of the content itself or even in some tab of your website.

Also Read: Four Email Marketing Metrics To Keep An Eye On

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