What Is Cyber Security?

What Is Cyber Security?

Cyber ​​security refers to all aspects dealing with communication and information technology security. The term “cybersecurity” deals with many topics, from computer security in general to recovering data or the security of a system after an incident/attack.

There are several billion cyber attacks by hackers every year, which is why cyber security is becoming increasingly important and complex. Especially for companies, IT security must have an extremely high priority to protect systems and sensitive data in the best possible way.

Threats That Cybersecurity Aims To Eliminate

Cybersecurity aims to prevent cybercrime, cyberwar, and cyberterrorism.

Cybercrime refers to criminal activities in the “cyber” space (Internet, darknet, etc.). Among other things, a fraud attempt that reaches the potential victim via email on the Internet instead of by post counts as cybercrime. Cyberwar is a military conflict in and around virtual space. Cyberterrorism is a unique form of terrorism that carries out a cyberattack on the computer system.

Various methods are used to control computers, smartphones, or networks externally. With the help of viruses such as B. Trojans, we all know. Most of the time, the average user is sent a malicious code via an email attachment unnoticed. Clicking on the wing or a link activates and spreads the virus on the computer. This is the easiest way for hackers to gain access to systems. By downloading programs that look trustworthy and safe on the surface, a virus or similar can also get onto the device and give the hacker access.

Cyber ​​security attempts to encrypt email addresses, files, and other vital data and information to protect them from loss, misuse, and theft. Furthermore, computers are scanned for traces of malicious codes, which are later deleted from the device. All of this is ideally in real-time. This requires adjustments to the infrastructure, e.g., B. large companies, to manage the topic of cyber security fully. A clear must in the context of digitization. IT systems need to be tweaked, updated, and modified to deal with the ever-evolving threat.

Cybersecurity and cybercrime are evolving rapidly. With attack patterns developing almost daily and hackers becoming more sophisticated, cybersecurity and the appropriate countermeasures must be clearly defined. Here you have to be constantly on the lookout for new threats and opportunities to guarantee the best possible protection. New technologies and security gaps must be identified and contained early to protect private individuals and companies.

Can Artificial Intelligence Help With Cybersecurity?

Yes. I can help with cyber security with specific measures. To use Artificial Intelligence, machine learning algorithms are used, among other things, which are trained. Here z. For example, existing files are saved to show the system that this is “normal behavior” and classify this operation as safe. Once the system has been trained for this “normal behavior,” a recognition phase can begin. New, previously unknown files are added to the system in this phase. This phase allows unusual behavior to be identified and flagged. The aim is to detect attacks and, in the best case, to prevent or ward them off. For this phase to occur without further problems, good training data and many test runs are required. Otherwise, there is a risk.

Therefore, this method can only be used optimally if sufficient good training data is available for “learning.”

What Challenges Do You Face?

Cybersecurity professionals face all kinds of challenges. These include different attack cycles, zero-day attacks, ransomware, alert fatigue, and tight budgets. The experts (cyber security) need to know these problems and other topics in detail to take and implement effective measures.

Also Read: Technologies Behind The Internet Of Things

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