What Are The Main Features Of Salesforce CRM?

CRM: The relationship is the main point that ended up becoming a watershed for most companies in the market. Therefore, to ensure the business’s survival, it is essential to have precise strategies that make it possible to stand out and achieve better results.

Salesforce CRM is a must-have solution for small, medium, and large organizations that want to improve their bottom line and increase profitability.

Also known as Customer Relationship Management, CRM can store information on current and potential customers for the business. But the platform doesn’t just work as a contact list; it also gathers and integrates valuable information to update sales teams and prepare them with personal customer data, such as consumption history and preferences.

That’s why we’ve separated, in this text, the different types of CRM, the benefits, and the main features of this Salesforce solution!

What Are The Types Of CRM?

Before understanding the features of Salesforce CRM, you need to know which type best suits your needs and budget. Thus, when we think about CRM, we must consider that there are two paths that organizations can follow.

Local CRM

This type of CRM, also known as On-Premise, is maintained on a local server within the company. This ends up requiring periodic maintenance of the system and equipment with its own IT team.

Thus, it is necessary to install the CRM software on a server or machine for this purpose. The great advantage of this type of Customer Relationship Management is that, in this way, IT teams can have greater control over the servers. However, it requires a high initial cost for configuration and installation.

In addition, power outages can cause significant delays in the system, harming the entire progress of processes in your company.

Cloud CRM

This type of CRM is based on cloud computing. Thus, it is possible to say that it works entirely online and does not require a dedicated infrastructure to maintain this solution. In addition, because of its characteristics in the cloud — with management performed remotely by the IT team — it can also be called SaaS, or software as a service.

With a CRM in the cloud, your team needs to access the login page through an internet-connected device anytime, wherever they need to. The great benefit of this type of CRM is that it is accessible 24/7.

Another highlight is the initial investment, which is minimal. In addition, it is possible to cut costs with server maintenance and updates since the service provider carries everything out.

Even if it is dependent on an active internet connection, it is possible to synchronize data offline, avoiding further problems if the network is unavailable.

What Are The Benefits Of A CRM?

The most significant importance of a CRM is that it can help companies to dispense with already obsolete processes and eliminate manual effort. This is a great highlight for the business’s more excellent progression and growth.

That’s because the system can organize contacts and accounts, all in a practical and accessible way. Because everything is done in real-time, entrepreneurs have a much faster and simpler sales process.

Passing leads to your sales team becomes much faster and easier without needing reminders or spreadsheets. With CRM, each team member can have remote access to up-to-date information about your customers and their interactions with the company.

Also, it is possible to find more leads for your company, close more deals, retain customers, and expand your network of operations. In addition, conversations with your audience become more personal, relevant, and up-to-date, making it possible to retain them more successfully.

What Are The Features Of Salesforce CRM?

Salesforce is a leading provider of cloud CRM software. In this way, it is possible to redefine how organizations connect with their audience, improving communication between the brand and customers.

Thus, Salesforce CRM is a definitive solution for your company, with a series of indispensable features for your business’s growth and expansion.

Contact Management

It is possible to access critical customer data and their interaction history with your company. Based on your consumers’ social data, you can better understand the specific behavior of your audience about the products and services your company sells.

Cloud-based contact management makes collaborative work possible. That way, your entire team can share their ideas and documents to create a more productive work environment.

Another highlight of Salesforce CRM is that it allows tracking transaction movement based on all contact data.

Opportunity Management

One of the key features of CRM provided by Salesforce is opportunity management. This feature allows you to look at the timeline of your customers’ activities, describing the various stages of a specific deal to guide your next move.

In addition, it is possible to view the critical details of the timeline of activities along with segment competitors, making it possible to adapt your strategies in the best possible way to conquer your place in the market.

Einstein Analytics

Einstein Analytics is indispensable for businesses. It offers high business intelligence, assisting in the most complicated sales and providing data about services. This analytics is beneficial for connecting users to sales clouds, services, and communities with built-in dashboards.

He consistently has a wealth of data and insights for his team and partners. The security of this information is the main feature of Einstein, as more than 150,000 companies constantly share data, obtaining intelligent insights to close deals with this analytical tool.

Also Read: Why Data Intelligence Is Critical To Your Business

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