Types Of CRM: Which One Is Ideal For My Business?

The types of CRM are essential tools for companies that seek to improve interaction with their customers and increase their loyalty and satisfaction. Discover the types of CRM and which one is ideal for your business! 

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a set of strategies and techniques to establish, maintain and improve the relationship between companies and their customers. 

With this tool, it is possible to automate tasks, which are closely monitored and measured, which has the benefit of statistical data for segmentation, relationship history, monitoring the sales funnel and necessary improvements, among several other advantages. 

CRM Types By Industry 

The CRM is divided into sectors, so it is possible to guarantee a more personalized and efficient approach for each client and allow employees to focus on their respective areas of expertise. This makes the service faster, more accurate and more controlled for the customer. 

Marketing CRM 

In marketing, CRM aims to assist in developing strategies to attract and win new customers and increase the retention and loyalty of existing customers.   

For this, information about the profile and behavior of customers is used so that specific actions are developed that meet the needs and expectations of each of them. It is important to point out that the success of the marketing CRM is directly linked to the quality of the information and data the company has.  

The marketing CRM streamlines customer communication and follows the company’s marketing guidelines in a personalized way, offering the right communication to the right leads based on interactions with social media and emails.  

It is focused on information to automate activities, trigger emails and posts on social media, and helps plan complex customer-focused actions. 

It has features like: 

  • Forms; 
  • Monitoring of customer behavior on the website pages; 
  • Social media interactions; 
  • Lead classification; 
  • Event planning; 

The marketing CRM is an integrated and strategic solution capable of improving the efficiency of all company processes, reducing costs and increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Therefore, companies must invest in solutions compatible with their needs and capable of offering positive and lasting results. 

Sales CRM 

Have you ever stopped to think about what a sales system does? And how can it help a business? In the sales sector, CRM is used to facilitate the management of customer relationships, making the entire sales process more efficient, from prospecting to post-sales.  

With the help of CRM, sales teams can track customer interactions with the company, track purchase history, identify sales opportunities, and manage the sales cycle. But why does this happen? 

Occurs through the base of customers within the chosen platform; you will create a base with information such as contact, purchase history, interactions, needs and profile, all in one place and with the results, the sales teams will accurately exercise the approach with customers.  

A sales CRM can help a company in the: 

  • control negotiations with more visibility; 
  • obtain predictability in sales; 
  • measure conversion rates; 
  • shorten the sales cycle; 
  • identify errors in the business process. 

In other words, having a sales funnel is the heart of a quality CRM! The tool must be able to generate data on the efficiency of the sales process and the team’s performance.

Support/Service CRM 

As for customer service, the CRM offers personalized, efficient and quality service. With this tool, it is possible to discover the customer’s previous interactions with the company, their problems and complaints, and what solutions have already been presented. 

 In this way, it is possible to meet customer demands in a more agile, efficient and personalized way. The entire scope of this type of CRM is aimed at excellent, fast and humanized service so that customers are impacted with agility and quality of service.  

Support CRM helps with: 

  • Warn sellers of possible delays or failures; 
  • Help support staff direct appropriate resources; 
  • Understand what the most recurring problems are; 
  • Realize the customers’ main complaints and seek solutions and improvements in service. 

All of this transforms and takes the support team to a very high level of quality, generating good visibility for the company and an effective memory for customers.

CRM Types According To Functionalities:

And in addition to the sectors in which the CRM can act, we can talk about the functionalities that it can perform.

Operational CRM 

Operational CRM has focused on automating sales, marketing, and customer service processes. It encompasses sales management systems. 

Analytical CRM

Analytical CRM is analytically focused on analyzing and collecting data on customers, allowing companies to understand their habits, preferences and behaviors better.

It is useful for creating effective and personalized marketing campaigns, providing a relevant and satisfying customer experience.

Collaborative CRM

Collaborative CRM focuses on integrating the different departments of the company, especially sales, marketing and customer service, to provide customers with fast and accurate answers. In this way, it facilitates communication between these departments, allowing all employees to act in an integrated and efficient manner.

Strategic CRM

Strategic CRM is an approach that involves all areas of the company and aims to create a culture of customer service, making it a priority for all employees, regardless of their position or role. Businesses use it to be more customer-focused and deliver an exceptional experience.

Benefits Of CRM Types

Adopting CRM can bring several benefits to companies, such as: 

– Improved process efficiency 

– Increased productivity 

– Cost reduction 

– Improved customer service 

– Increased customer satisfaction rate 

– Increased sales and profits 

CRM is an essential tool for companies that seek to improve their relationship with their customers and increase the efficiency of internal processes.

By choosing the right CRM type for their goals, companies can realize significant benefits and improve the customer experience at all brand touchpoints

That is why choosing the platform where you will apply your CRM strategies very carefully is very important; the platform has to have all the needs and functionalities that help the company reach its objectives and goals.

Also Read: What Are The Main Features Of Salesforce CRM?

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