Three Tips To Ensure 100% Security Of Your Cloud Data

Cloud Data: Data traffic in the cloud has become a routine in the corporate world. Thanks to this technology, companies worldwide can store sensitive and heavy information, such as industrial drawings, maps, videos, audio and documents. 

Taking up computer space or other physical devices is a thing of the past. Cloud backup transformed archiving into something practical, secure, shareable and accessible from anywhere.

Cloud backup stores your data outside the computer without needing equipment such as an external hard drive and flash drive. In practice, the user sends the files to a remote system, being possible to access them from anywhere, as long as they have access to the internet.

If such information is on an online server, is it safe? Every electronic device is susceptible to damage, correct? A typical example is cell phones. How many photos, documents, prints, and messages does it have? Perhaps, not even you know. If the device is stolen or malfunctioning, is it possible that all the information will be lost? If they were saved in the cloud, surely not.

Even if you switch devices a thousand times, all files will be safe in cloud backup. The same is true in the corporate world. The company does not have to worry about physical servers to ensure data security; cloud backup does it for you.

However, attacks by digital attackers evolve as much as technology. Every day, hackers develop advanced techniques to enter systems, being able to invade files in the cloud. 

With the pandemic, cloud security problems took a significant leap, as many companies were forced to change how they work, starting to depend on the cloud to carry out their activities.

According to Fortinet, from January to September 2022, country suffered 3.4 billion cyberattack attempts. This only reinforces the need to insert mechanisms that increase the protection of your archives in the cloud. Therefore, we have separated three tips to ensure 100% security of your data in the cloud.

Choose Strong Passwords

It may even seem futile since the password is individual, and only the user knows it. But that’s not quite how things work. Simple passwords such as birthdays, names of children, pets, football teams and the famous 123456 are weak and easy to crack or discover.

Generating strong passwords is one of the main barriers to preventing your accounts from being hacked. Without periodic updating and differentiated passwords, your digital environment becomes accessible terrain for fraudsters and exposes you to identity theft and extortion.

It uses strong passwords that contain uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols to prevent any remote attack. They must be at least ten characters long / Avoid reuse or obvious substitution, such as @ in place of A or zero in place of the letter O.

Use File Encryption

Encryption is a technology that encrypts files in an indecipherable way for those who do not have a password to enter. Thus, if any malicious user has access to the files in the cloud, they will not be able to view the content.

Today, virtually all cloud services offer encryption in their plans. But, before closing the contract, ensure that this benefit is included or if it is possible to pay more to have it in the package.

Don’t Underestimate Antivirus

Although we have access to other security items, the antivirus should not be abandoned. It must be present on all devices accessing the cloud and updated frequently.

It is essential to avoid any virus infecting the organization’s machines as much as possible because, once this happens, its removal can be complex and expensive. As some companies work on a network with dozens or hundreds of computers, the possibility of paralyzing all the activities of the office and operational area to find a way to clean up this mess is relatively high.

Also Read: Scalability In Cloud Computing: Know What It Is

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