Systems Development: What It Is, How It Works

Systems Development: What It Is, How It Works

Systems Development: Information systems are interrelated components that work together to collect, process, store and disseminate information to support decision-making, coordination, control, data analysis and visualization, and other organizational activities.

These systems can be automated (through software and hardware) or manual (through processes and procedures).

These systems are designed to help organizations achieve the goals of various businesses and organizations by providing relevant and timely information to users, enabling them to make better and more informed decisions.

They can be applied in multiple areas, including finance, marketing, human resources, accounting, production, logistics, healthcare and education.

What Is Systems Development?

Systems development is a process that involves creating software to meet the needs of companies. This process begins with analyzing user and business needs, and from there, developers work on creating system design, coding, testing, and documentation. The ultimate goal is to deploy the software and ensure its continued operation.

Developers use specific tools and technologies to create software, such as programming languages ​​and frameworks and can work within a team or outsource development to a specialized company.

This dynamic area is constantly evolving and plays a fundamental role in improving business processes and satisfying users and customers. It is a critical process for companies looking to stand out in a competitive and constantly changing market.

How Does Systems Development Work?

Systems development generally follows a standard process involving several steps, from system design to implementation and maintenance. The main stages of the systems development process are:

Requirements Analysis

Requirements analysis is a fundamental step in systems development, as it helps to ensure that the software developed meets the needs and expectations of users and the organization. This involves gathering and documenting system requirements, which can be expressed in terms of functionality, performance, reliability and security.

System requirements can be collected from various sources, such as end users, business experts, project managers, and other interested parties. During requirements analysis, developers work closely with users and other stakeholders to understand what the system should do and how it should work.


Design starts with system requirements analysis, where developers understand the needs of users and the organization. Based on this, developers create a plan that includes the system architecture, user interface, components, and functionalities. 

Configuration planning helps developers understand how the system should be built, how it should function, and how the different components of the system should interact. This allows developers to create a plan for software development and work more efficiently.


Coding is an essential step in systems development, as it translates system design and specifications into executable code. Developers write and test the code that implements the system’s functionalities and features during coding.

The coding process helps transform the system design into working software and allows developers to test and validate the system’s functionalities. The coding process involves choosing the programming language, selecting the integrated development environment (IDE), and writing the source code.


Tests validate system behavior and identify potential problems and security flaws. They are performed at different levels of systems development, from unit testing, which tests isolated units of code, to integration testing, which tests how other parts of the system work together, and system testing, which validates the system’s overall functionality.

Checks are essential as they help detect problems and errors in the software before it is delivered to end users. They enable developers to identify and fix problems, improving software quality and ensuring that it meets user and organizational expectations.


System deployment is the final step in systems development, which involves installing and configuring the software in a production environment to be used by end users. This step is crucial to ensure that the software works correctly and can be used effectively by end users.

Developers perform final tests on the deployed system to ensure that it works correctly and system requirements have been met. This may include load testing, user acceptance testing, and other types of testing to ensure the system is ready for use by end users.

Where Does The Systems Developer Work

A systems developer can work in various sectors, with technology and financial services companies being some of the leading employers. Technology companies develop software and applications for clients in different areas, while financial companies hire developers to work on data management systems, financial applications and computer security.

Importance Of Systems Development

Systems development is essential for companies that want to improve the efficiency of their processes, reduce costs and offer personalized services to customers. With systems development, it is possible to automate processes, improve internal and external communication, make more informed decisions based on accurate data, reduce long-term costs and increase customer satisfaction.

Companies can meet their customers’ specific needs by creating personalised and practical solutions and remain competitive in the market. Systems development is a powerful tool that allows companies to automate repetitive tasks, improve data quality, and enhance their services to meet specific customer needs.

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