Six Tips To Effectively Reduce IT Incidents In Your Company

Incidents in company: With an increasingly technological market, it is common for companies to have more complex IT structures. With the increase in the use of these systems, it is also common for problems to arise — such as data leakage and damage to equipment and tools.

These situations compromise employees’ work and generate financial losses for the business. Therefore, knowing how to reduce IT incidents is critical.

What Are The Most Common Incidents?

First, let’s understand which incidents are most common within companies. We already put the main ones below, with some tips on solving or minimizing them.

Outdated Hardware And Software

A common problem faced by companies is linked to the useful life of the equipment in their IT structure. Many assume items have a longer shelf life than they do and end up dealing with unscheduled repairs — which can cost more than a new system.

In addition, old hardware is less efficient than newer models, which reduces the structure’s efficiency, putting employees’ activities at risk.

In this way, it is essential to control the useful life of each piece of equipment and system acquired, as well as to maintain standardized software applications within the needs of the team and structure.

Non-Existent Or Inefficient Power Protection

Power failures are enormous risks for the electronic components of the IT infrastructure. Small failures can cause loss of data and even equipment.

Therefore, it is essential to have UPS devices (with surge suppression) and a professional who periodically checks their efficiency. A safety generator is also recommended.

Poor Backup Strategies

Another common problem in companies that compromises their results is the implementation of poor or inefficient backup strategies. When this process is not well built, there is a high chance that the organization will lose vital information in its systems.

Therefore, it is essential to create backup routines that run in a controlled and timely manner — with no exceptions. It is also recommended that the process be done automatically, preventing it from being forgotten by employees.

In addition, it is necessary to maintain a routine evaluation of the recovery systems of the data stored in a backup, ensuring that it is working as it should when it is required to use this functionality.

Security Flaws

The security of the organization’s data should be one of the main goals of any company. With the number of cyber attacks growing, it is essential to avoid as much as possible that the business is the victim of a scam and loses valuable information.

Therefore, it is essential to have well-designed measures and processes to protect data and against internal security breaches. Security policies and trusted systems are crucial. Also, when the company uses other partners, it is recommended to check if they also have advanced security systems.

Password And Login Errors

Finally, many IT teams – especially support, have to deal with the difficulties and problems of other professionals in the company. Situations in which they cannot log in, lose their passwords, and compromise systems are standard. These events compromise your deliveries and also the work of the IT team.

To deal with this best, it is essential to have a good support process, with guidelines and guides ready for each type of situation. In addition, it is recommended to train employees to be increasingly self-taught about the technologies used.

Check now which practices and activities should be carried out to maintain a more efficient and secure IT, thus reducing the number of incidents and problems in the company’s day-to-day.

After All, How To Reduce IT Incidents In My Company?

Train Users

As we said, it is recommended to train employees across the company to become increasingly self-taught with the technologies used in the business environment. This practice reduces unnecessary open tickets as well as problems generated by errors. Subjects taught should be:

  • guidelines for how to open tickets;
  • average problem resolution time;
  • good practices of the company’s systems;
  • IT security policies.

Keep Software And Procedures Up To Date

Another essential practice is to keep all company software and systems up to date. This ensures that they are at their best and the risks of problems such as loss of efficiency or security breaches are eliminated, as well as all the work that the IT team has with them.

Establish Security Policies

Security policies are standard measures every employee must adhere to minimize the organization’s security risks. It must be defined according to the needs of each business. Some examples of everyday items are:

  • blocking the use of USA ports;
  • restriction of authorization to install software;
  • limit access within systems.

In addition, it is recommended to use a term of responsibility, signed by all users of the systems, committing to follow the policies defined in the company.

Have A Disaster Recovery Plan

The disaster recovery plan aims to design all the processes necessary to identify and eliminate problems, returning to the everyday environment as soon as possible, with the least likely damage.

For this, it is essential to have a complete mapping of the organization’s activities, processes, and systems. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the structure, identifying possible threats constantly.

Build A Learning Process

Another important measure is to have an efficient process for answering calls and solving problems. The point is that everything is well designed, and all occurrences are kept in an easily accessible system. This way, it is possible to consult the most frequent problems and know their causes and solutions. Thus, the entire service is faster and more efficient.

Have A Good Ticket Management Solution

Finally, maintaining support calls is not simple, especially in larger companies, with complex structures and many users. The best thing is to have an efficient help desk system to help the team in this challenge.

With these tips, reducing IT incidents becomes more efficient in the company. This ensures that the problems and waste generated are eliminated, and the business becomes more profitable and competitive in the market.

Also Read: Business Reports And Indicators: What Are They

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