Mobile App: What It Is And How To Create A Mobile App

Mobile App: What It Is And How To Create A Mobile App

We have all used a mobile app at least once in our life: to play, choose the best place to have lunch, chat, make a transfer, for fitness, to meet new people. The feature list is so extensive that it gives us an idea of ​​how thriving the industry can be.

A sector destined to grow, but the aspiring app developer must know how to move in order not to risk creating an obsolete product destined to end up in oblivion. Despite the wide range of possibilities that the creation of an application can open, in fact, the key to success, the way to emerge from the multitude of developers to develop apps is to study your idea, compare it with what the market offers, invent a design captivating and meeting the consumer’s need and desire. In this article, we will clarify what a mobile application is and the winning moves to create an app that grabs the user’s attention.

What Is A Mobile App?

Let’s take a step back to understand what a mobile app is. A mobile application is a type of software application designed to run on mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) and allows user services similar to those accessed using a PC. As the abbreviation “app” suggests, mobile applications have light software and limited functions. An application needs to be fast and immediate, especially at the download time.

There are three basic types of mobile apps:

NATIVE APP (native app)

A native app is an application that is downloaded for free or for a fee to your smartphone and is developed for a particular operating system. Most of the apps we use daily are apps of this type. Native apps have excellent performance, are fast, and have the advantage of interacting with the address book, geolocation services, camera, microphone, etc. They can also be published in the stores, thus allowing certain visibility and earning possibilities. They do not necessarily need internet access and are equipped with push notifications to alert customers about continuous updates.


A web app is the app version of a website. The web app is not present in the stores, which offers advantages (the device memory is not affected) and disadvantages (it will not have the visibility of a native app). Undoubtedly, the costs of a web app are lower than those of other types of apps, but if the goal is to make content accessible even from devices such as smartphones or tablets, this type of app is the one for you. . An example of a web app is Facebook.


We find a compromise between the native app and web app in hybrid apps. These are disclosable on stores like native apps and are fast and inexpensive to develop like a web app. An example of a hybrid app is Spotify, which is downloadable on devices and has a web version. Instagram is also a hybrid app. However, the performance will remain lower than that of a native app.

How To Create A Winning Mobile App

Once you have chosen the type of mobile app you are interested in, now you may be wondering what peculiarities an app must have to achieve the desired visibility and, consequently, a good profit. From a technical point of view, it is necessary to have some basic programming notions. You will first have to choose the operating system to work on. Today, the giants of the market are Android from Google and iOS from Apple, and both have specific characteristics regarding the programming phase.

Android uses Java, while iOS uses Objective-C and Swift language. So our advice is to choose the operating system and specialize in one of the two. Know, however, that Android is open source that is open to third-party applications, while Apple has never shared its applications on Android. It is also essential to make your mobile app fast and light. The download must be immediate and must not take up too much memory. But creating a mobile app isn’t just a technical matter.

Your idea is what can give her the edge that will allow her to emerge. In this sense, it would be helpful to search for products already on the market. Is your idea original? What does it bring to the already existing mobile app landscape? Why would the consumer want to have your app on one of their devices? Remember that your app must represent the fulfillment of a wish, be helpful, and meet the user’s need to attract attention.

It is also essential to focus on an attractive and functional design: an intuitive and straightforward to use app will convince the customer not to delete it from his smartphone. Don’t underestimate the power of social networks. Many mobile apps produced in recent years have created affiliations with social networks, and through these, they have climbed to success, thanks to word of mouth and interaction between users.

Also Read: Six Different Types Of Software

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