Meet Android Things, Google’s Internet Of Things System

Internet Of Things: Its final version was presented during Google I/O, the company’s event focused on developers, after a long period of testing.

This type of software can make simple everyday machines able to communicate with the Internet to perform various online applications.

In 2016, version 1.0 of Android Things arrived after previous editions were made available periodically. Previous versions allowed Google to detect possible bugs and let developers study the system and already develop applications for it. Any developer can download the necessary SDKs to create their software and solutions for the Internet of Things.


Until then, manufacturers used their system or outsourced the service when they wanted to launch an intelligent device. The contracted groups could – or not – worry about the digital security of the device. In the acronym of “Internet of Things,” the IoT needs to receive the same concern with malware as a PC or smartphone; after all, intelligent cars and televisions also have chips and memories that can be hacked.

Therefore, Android Things was born from the concern of having a uniform and closed operating system, which could not be changed by partners, and which was more secure against hacker attacks. On the other hand, this also leaves manufacturers more focused on developing the hardware and equipment since they won’t have to worry about the software.

Who Can Develop For Android Things?

In theory, any developer capable of creating apps for Android can also do so for Android Things. The proposal is for Google’s IoT system to run on simpler hardware, such as the Raspberry Pi.

According to TechCrunch, Google offers full support for three years, with submissions of stability and security fixes. Non-commercial users will be able to administer up to 100 devices via the Android Things command console.

What Is The Internet Of Things?

The Internet of Things is the new era of computing that aims to make everyday objects more intelligent and active through communication via the Internet. Home appliances, such as refrigerators and stoves, can benefit from this technology, but several applications can be seen in even more rudimentary items, such as lamps or doorknobs.

Smart homes, for example, are already a reality. It is now possible to buy entire systems to control all aspects of a home via a tablet, such as dimming the lighting, locking the doors, changing the room temperature, and much more. With suitable sensors, these electronic circuits can do this automatically.

The technology bridges the digital world with the natural world and lets you connect everyday items to Wi-Fi to save time and control daily tasks. However, gadgets made to make a home bright have factors to consider and can lead to loss of privacy, for example.

Before investing in an intelligent pan or a mirror that recognizes your schedule, check out IoT-based devices’ pros and cons. The eight positives and negatives can help you decide if it’s worth starting to build your connected home.

Manage Tasks

One of the main differentials of gadgets based on the Internet of Things is the possibility of connecting common appliances such as refrigerators, lamps, and pans to Wi-Fi to facilitate the administration of everyday obligations. The smart mirror, for example, shows calendar reminders and social media notifications when activated.

The possibilities are endless, and they are limited to the human imagination in creating solutions to make people’s lives easier. A smart fridge could buy itself an item that is running low. A car could communicate with another in traffic and warn of delays in the lane. A cap with a chip could monitor brain waves in real-time and automatically send a report to the doctor. In the future, these and other applications may become commonplace.

Also Read: IoT: A Universe Of Possibilities And Opportunities!

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