Marketing: Digital Marketing Metrics

Marketing: Digital Marketing Metrics

Digital Marketing Metrics: Although data collection is the initial starting point for analyzing and optimizing digital actions, single data doesn’t say much.

They need to be turned into metrics to be studied comprehensively and efficiently. And when I talk about metrics, I don’t just mean quantity but also the quality of information. Of course, the overview is always the first step, but it is necessary to go further. It is essential to cross data intelligently to identify successes or failures in digital actions; only then will it be possible to optimize your strategies. As Peter Drucker said: what can be measured can be improved.

But, if you are starting in this world of web analytics, learn about some of the most common metrics that can be used to monitor your digital marketing actions.

Day-To-Day Metrics:

  1. Visitors or users: The number of people who have accessed your website. It is divided between new and recurring, that is, visitors who returned to your site;
  2. Sessions: A group of interactions generated by users within a certain period, usually 30 minutes. A single session can contain several interactions such as page views, banner clicks, conversions, among other actions that you expect the visitor to perform;
  3. Bounce rate: it is the percentage of sessions that did not generate interactions, that is, the person entered and left without taking any action within site;
  4. Pages per session: it is the average number of pages that each user browsed during their visit;
  5. Average session duration: it is the average time that each user spent interacting on the site;
  6. Channels: is the way your visitor find your website, such as organic search, paid traffic, social networks, direct access, referral channels, and email marketing;
  7. Source/Media: Similar to media, but more specific. For example, if it was an organic search, it informs whether it was through Google or another search engine. If it was social, it indicates if it was Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or another social network;
  8. Leads: The number of people who visited the site and performed a conversion. A conversion, in this case, is not necessarily a sale. It can be a newsletter registration, download of educational materials, budget request, etc.;
  9. Conversions: is the total number of goal completions performed within site;
  10. Conversion rate: is the percentage of visits that resulted in conversions;
  11. Conversions by channel/source:  points out which channels/sources generate the most conversions on the site.

How Web Analytics Can Help Your Online Business

So you ask me: But after all, how can Web Analytics help my online business? If you choose to have an online business, know that to find out if the strategies you planned are working or not, you need to measure the results. That’s why using tools like Google Analytics is a fundamental part of this process.

It is essential to know how many people visit your site monthly. Of these people, how many request a service or buy a product. Which channels drive the most traffic to your site. If people tend to browse more than one page, and if they find the information they are looking for. It is even possible to obtain age group, gender, interests, and much other information. With this information, you will discover behavior patterns and even the seasonality of your online business.


Several paths can be analyzed within the web analytics universe. The main issue is knowing how to identify which metrics are most important for your business and detect improvement points. This process is essential to direct efficient marketing actions with minimal waste of resources.

Over time, it will be possible to understand better the public’s behavior that accesses your website or e-commerce. Understand his purchase journey and the type of relationship he intends to establish before and after becoming an effective customer. Knowing the market and your competitors online is also a fundamental part of this analysis, as it is possible to predict actions and plan always to be ahead.

But, above all, it is essential to know that data analysis is not just a differentiator but a necessity for those who want to see their business grow in the digital world. The market is increasingly competitive, and new possibilities open up every day.

Also Read: What Types Of Marketing Are There?

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