Instagram Now Lets You Save Your Lives Directly To IGTV

Instagram: The social network announced several news stories during the week involving lives, GIFs and small businesses.

Instagram made something official that had already been tested for a few weeks: it is now possible to save lives directly on IGTV. Many people and companies that have adopted the tool to communicate with their audiences during the quarantine will thus be able to assemble and disseminate a collection more easily.

Before, it was necessary to download the video and then upload the file to IGTV. Okay, it wasn’t a complicated procedure, but some users often complain that the operation didn’t work and the live ended up getting lost. With a dedicated button, we tend to have fewer problems.

It is worth noting that there are other minor differences between the two formats. Reactions and comments will not appear, so things can get a little confusing for those who watch later if there is interaction with followers. 

More News From Instagram

With people in isolation and businesses, tiny ones, needing help, social media has been moving more quickly. Thus, Instagram was not only in the lives of IGTV. See below for more news from the platform for photos, videos, selfies, memes and many other great attractions of modernity.

Small Business Help

Also, this week, Instagram Stories won a new sticker, “Support Small Businesses”. The intention is to allow users to advertise their favorite companies during the pandemic. It generates a direct link to the profile of that small business and goes to the highlight tab of the Stories – “Local purchase” – of the contacts of the person who disclosed it.

In addition, the small business itself can show the support it is receiving by sharing the posts it has been tagged in. The idea is to make it easier for people to find quality products and services nearby, making the local economy spin in these difficult times.

Watch the video below to see how it works and start promoting small businesses right now. Invite your most loyal customers and followers to use the sticker if you own one.

Facebook Buys Gif To Use On Instagram

GIFs have been a vital part of the Instagram Stories culture for a few years now. This is done through a Gif integration, making the tool even more fun. This integration has gone a step further: Facebook, the owner of Insta, bought Gif for 400 million dollars, integrating it into its family of apps.

Many people in a community already know and love GIPHY. 50% of GIPHY’s traffic comes from the Facebook family of apps, half of that traffic from Instagram alone. By bringing Instagram and GIPHY together, we can make it easier for people to find the perfect GIFs and stickers in Stories and Direct.

What exactly will change is unknown; Facebook is only talking about accelerating how people can use GIFs on Instagram. It is worth remembering that Gif has APIs with several competitors, such as Twitter. In addition, Google already made a similar purchase some time ago from Tenor.

Facebook’s interest may be in the consumption data and trends generated by Gif, which would even justify not cutting ties with its competitors. Anyway, if you like GIFs in your Stories, check them out.

Learn About RD’s Initiatives During The Pandemic

Results Digital is also trying to help people and small businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic. We created the particular website #FortalecerParaCrescer, which brings together free content, materials and courses to collaborate with those looking for alternatives for their business or career. In it, you also have access to our tools, RD Station Marketing and RD Station CRM, under super special conditions.

Also Read: Social Media: Check Out 3 Ideas To Start A Business

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