How To Improve The Service Experience Via WhatsApp?

The service experience via WhatsApp should be valued by companies, as this channel is widely used by customers and grows more every day. We wrote this article to explain how to improve the service experience via WhatsApp with these factors in mind. Could you keep reading and check it out?

How Do You Exceed Customer Expectations?

One of the main ways to provide a good customer service experience is to exceed customer expectations. The question is, how to do it? It’s not easy because the actions vary according to the reality of your business. It is important to note that providing quality service does not necessarily mean exceeding expectations. After all, this is considered “basic.”

It is necessary to go further and offer benefits such as 24/7 support, context, personalization during conversations, and problem-solving in a matter of minutes, among others. In addition, it is interesting to study how over-delivery can be implemented in care. In literal translation, this concept means “to deliver beyond.”

The translation assertively represents the strategy: offering something extra during or after support, such as a gift, a coupon, or a personalized email.

Five Tips To Offer A Good Service Experience Via WhatsApp

Stay now with our five tips on how to provide a good service experience via WhatsApp:

  • choose for WhatsApp Business;
  • offer an agile service;
  • create a chatbot;
  • ask for feedback ;
  • integrate WhatsApp Business with support software.

Choose For WhatsApp Business

WhatsApp Business is a version of the famous messaging app created especially for businesses. Its purpose is to help build a more organized and efficient service experience.

This application allows you to create a business account that makes various organization information available to customers, such as an address, opening hours, catalog of products or services, etc.

In addition, it has several features that facilitate the day to day of the person or team responsible for the service, such as the following:

  • Tags: Organize contacts to find them more easily. For example, you can create a “new customer” tag and place it on communications that are part of that group;
  • quick replies: send frequently used messages with just one click;
  • Automatic messages: set up a custom greeting message and a message to let you know that the business is closed.

Offer Agile Service

Agility is essential to provide a good service experience via WhatsApp. According to the report, 65% of customers want to buy from fast, online support companies.

Therefore, it is essential to be aware of incoming messages to respond quickly. Depending on the volume, reacting quickly can become a big challenge. However, this is one of the factors that makes WhatsApp Business the best choice for businesses.

You can gain considerable productivity by properly configuring automatic messages and quick replies. Therefore, it is possible to offer feedback to a more significant number of requests.

Create A Chatbot

Although the two WhatsApp Business features discussed in the previous topic provide several benefits, they have limitations. It is not possible to offer a 24-hour service or handle an excessive volume of messages.

Given this, it is interesting to create a chatbot. This program is capable of providing a human-like service experience. But it has the advantages of being always available and responding instantly.

Making a chatbot for WhatsApp is not simple, but it is not complex either. The biggest challenge is to build dialogues capable of developing natural and fluid conversations.

Ask For Feedback

Ask for feedback that better understands what can be optimized than by asking consumers? Most likely not. So ask for feedback from customers. This is vital for understanding how to improve the WhatsApp customer service experience.

Ideally, at the end of each contact, a message is sent asking about the quality of service. The text can be a quick reply, so your submission is just one click away.

Another recommendation is to use the Net Promoter Score (NPS) to understand customer satisfaction with the company in general and support. This methodology consists of asking if consumers would recommend the establishment to acquaintances.

Integrate WhatsApp Business With Support Software

One of the advantages of WhatsApp Business that we haven’t mentioned yet is that, in addition to the application, it provides an API. In a simplified way, this consists of programming codes that allow integrating the application with another system. Thus, it is possible to use more advanced functionality, such as multi-user access. Therefore, the API is recommended for medium and large companies that receive numerous contact requests daily.

Also Read: Application Development: How To Avoid Failures

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