How Do RPAs Relate To Digital Transformation?

RPA (Robotic Process Automation) is a solution closely relate to digital transformation. It is a “robot” software capable of replicating user actions, interacting, and integrating various processes and activities.

These tasks must be repetitive, scalable, and high volume for your implementation to make sense. You may be wondering how this differs from traditional process automation.

While the two serve the same purpose, some differences exist between automating with RPA  and traditional automation. RPA has much more flexibility and the ability to adapt to the most diverse situations automatically, without human intervention.

Thus, we connected RPA and digital transformation: RPA automates a process without human work. It is capable, for example, of resolving conflicting situations or situations that depend on a non-programmed decision. In traditional automation, you need constant supervision and intervention whenever a problem like this arises.

How To Apply A Digital Transformation With RPAs In The Company?

The first step to implementing RPA in your company is to identify which processes can be automated and which need the “human touch” only RPA can provide. They enter the competition with simple activities, such as sending an automatic email, to the most complex ones, with the adoption of different bots, each with a specific function.

One of the most common uses for RPA is in customer service platforms. He can register updates, verify orders, consult customer data histories, etc.

RPA can still help with other activities, such as:

  • charge customers;
  • process orders;
  • send notifications;
  • update customer profiles;
  • identify fraudulent accounts;
  • generate reports;
  • operate applications;
  • make complex calculations;
  • managing HR talent pools;
  • recording, modifying, validating, and analyzing data;
  • monitor automated tasks.

These activities take place in the most diverse segments of training. Thus, it is possible to think of automation in logistics, education, hospitals, industry, etc.

After identifying which activities are eligible for RPA deployment, choose a quality vendor, implement the pilot and, after testing and tweaking, deploy the solution.

What Are The Benefits Of Digital Transformation With RPA?

RPA offers many benefits to organizations that decide to adopt it. Check out!

Process Standardization

Manual processes risk becoming non-standard, as each person doing the work tends to modify something. This gives an impression of amateurism and makes it difficult to measure results, as these changes often make the data incompatible and impossible to compare. With RPA, processes are standardized, eliminating all these problems.

Process Optimization

Robots and RPA make the environment more productive since it has more efficient methods. Remember that the robots grow their repertoire, making continual improvements themselves.

Error Reduction

Human work is always subject to error precisely because we are not machines programmed to perform the same task over and over without failure. Robots, in turn, are indicated precisely for this and manage to work with maximum precision and efficiency. Very low error levels increase efficiency and contribute to the company’s image.

Cost Reduction

This is a consequence of the previous item. Decreasing the number of errors increases efficiency, reduces waste, and minimizes the need for rework. All of this makes it possible to reduce costs in general. In an extremely competitive environment, this is a huge competitive advantage.

Better Use Of The Team

The use of RPA frees the team from bureaucratic and repetitive work. Thus, it is possible to direct professionals to more analytical and strategic tasks, which add more value to the company.

This also helps to raise the level of satisfaction of the team, who feel more valued and motivated since everyone can make more relevant contributions to the business.

Reduction Of Workforce

Although there is no direct relationship between the use of RPA and a reduction in the total number of employees in a company, this can happen in areas where the solution is implemented, such as call centers, help desks, etc.

Once again, the company could have a more qualified team capable of acting more strategically instead of relying on large operational structures.

Room For Growth

In addition to providing predictable productivity,  process automation with RPA makes room for the company’s growth without pain or significant cost increases, as it is fully scalable.

Data Security

With RPA, human contact with confidential data is reduced, making it possible to define access levels, preserve company information and prevent the leakage of sensitive data. In addition, all accesses are recorded and can be tracked if necessary.

We have seen that digital transformation is much more than adopting the technology: it requires replacing certain human jobs with technology. To implement it, it is necessary to change the company’s mentality and structure. RPA is a digital transformation solution that generates several benefits for the organization with a simplified implementation.

Also Read: AI And Process Robotization: Understand The Importance

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