Five Mistakes To Avoid In Project Planning

Because it results in detailed work elaborated collectively, project planning is one of those areas where a small error can damage the entire process, causing a more extensive rework than expected or even the loss of credibility as a company.

Of course, every project has its planning difficulties. It is impossible to find a case without errors or problems faced. After all, stakeholders are divided into different audiences: customers, sponsors, and team members.

Still, successfully finishing a project depends on your preparedness to deal with the circumstances. To escape setbacks, you need to know the threats against your work.

Therefore, this article will reveal the top five mistakes in project planning and why they should be avoided. Come on?

Lack Of Planning

Of course, we could only start somewhere else. Planning is one of the most fundamental steps in a project. At this moment, the responsibilities, attributions and activities are presented to the project members.

And if this issue is not taken seriously, people will not clearly understand the role they will need to play, thus increasing the chances of problems with deadlines.

As a project manager, you must convey all information clearly. Each partner needs to have all doubts resolved.

Your responsibility is to act as a reference, even if you have to draw to show the team which way to go towards the goal (by the way, drawing is an excellent way to good communication ).

As you may know, as much as you use what you’ve learned from previous experiences through ready-made templates, each project is unique. Particular characteristics must be worked on in a specific way. Not everything will work out if you take advantage of previous project planning. It will not work.

Scope Changes

Scope changes should be expected as they are part of the process. One of the most common things in this industry is seeing customers request changes to the flow you and your team have approved. Depending on how you react to this fact in practice, it can turn into a mistake that you need to avoid.

As a project manager, keep track of these changes. If you’re on the front end of the job, it’s up to you to make sure the changes can be made within the time frame and within the budget already set.

Don’t expect your customer to think about it. He will want to change the project without impacting the time and cost. And it would help if you learned to balance that rhythm.

A scope change impacts one of these points (if not both). If you accept all proposed changes, you will have to pay the consequences.

Therefore, you should have the sense to analyze what was suggested and a firm hand to make the best decision for the development of the work.

Communication Problems With The Team

Communication noises are errors that can compromise project planning, execution and delivery. The worst thing in this work environment is when the manager sends a message that the team understands distortedly and vice versa.

Continuous noise will make your project go down the drain. Invest time thinking about the best strategies to keep communication clear in the industry. This will ensure the information is well managed and passed on, avoiding rework.

An important detail ignored by leaders is that much is wanted to be said, but little is wanted to be heard. As the person responsible for the project, it is essential that you know how to receive feedback from stakeholders. You work with people, and you don’t have to (and shouldn’t) try to solve everything yourself.

Be patient, and listen to suggestions and demands not only during project planning but also during execution. The more flexible and organized you are, the more chances you have to avoid unnecessary mistakes and see your project run as smoothly as possible.

Lack Of Quality

It will only do good if you develop a round schedule with interesting deadlines and objectives if the project has quality. An excellent assignment meets the customer’s requirements and works flawlessly, delivering everything promised.

In this sense, the lack of quality is a grave mistake that will only bring problems in the short, medium and long term. The manager who delivers a project where the client finds many errors during testing will have even more significant issues generated by the expectation not being exceeded.

As a result, customer loyalty takes a hit, not to mention you’ll need to commit more time to resolve the issue. Wasted hours, team wear and difficulty documenting work are some inherited consequences.

To avoid this type of problem, always be attentive to the scope and requested changes, knowing how to balance the variables without compromising the quality of delivery. After all, one mistake pulls the other.

Unreal Schedule

Finally, an item that can lead the project to error even in the planning phase is the elaboration of a schedule that is inconsistent with the reality of the company.

An unrealistic schedule can happen for several reasons, such as a lack of knowledge about the team’s pace or even the sheer imposition of speed and pressure. Both defenses will only bring trouble.

Impractical deadlines could destroy work that could have been amazing if each period had been adhered to between steps.

To impress the client, hold back the excitement and devise a realistic schedule. Ever! Tasks must be completed within agreed timeframes and costs. This involves effort, dialogue and commitment.

Also Read: How Important Is Resource Management?

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