Do I Need To Secure My Cloud-Hosted Servers And Services?

Cloud-Hosted Servers: Information security is currently one of the main concerns in the business environment. Through it, it becomes possible to ensure the protection and integrity of data in different systems and, thus, avoid attacks, infiltrations and their consequences.

In this context, and considering the significant increase in the use of clouds, many organizations wonder whether the protection mechanisms made available by cloud providers are sufficient. 

I imagine you are interested in knowing more about the topic. With that in mind, in this text, we will explain the differences between cloud and local servers and their advantages, and we will also provide tips that will help you protect the cloud computing system. Check out! 

On-Premises And Cloud Servers: What’s The Difference Between Them?

Both local servers and cloud servers are used to host information and systems. Despite having the same purpose, these systems have different characteristics. 

Local servers demand a high investment in hardware and infrastructure (light, cabling, etc.) and, most of the time, a room with good cooling and protection from sunlight, among other suitability and compliance requirements. 

When you hire cloud servers, all infrastructure requirements are included in the service, reducing the need for short-term investment and periodic equipment replacement plans. 

Since the volume of information related to a business is increasingly comprehensive, cloud services are presented as an excellent solution for companies that want to outsource data storage. 

What Are The Advantages Of Cloud Servers?

Now that you understand the difference between the local system and the cloud, it’s time to learn about the main advantages of cloud servers. Follow below: 

Cost Reduction

Cloud computing helps lower expenses related to managing and maintaining IT systems. This question happens because your company will not need to buy plans and equipment. 

It will also not be necessary to rely on an Information Technology team to maintain the equipment. In addition, there is a reduction in electricity costs and other adaptations such as armed security, environmental access controllers (biometrics, cameras), and the like. 


Cloud computing makes the company’s operation more scalable. This allows the organization to increase or decrease storage capacities as needed rapidly. This characteristic, therefore, guarantees flexibility, as you will be able to hire the storage that meets the demands of your business.  

In addition, by having a  cloud computing system, professionals can focus more on strategic tasks and help their businesses stand out in the market.

Collaborative Work

Cloud computing solutions facilitate communication between team members and information sharing, even if they are working on a project from different locations.   

Through this technology, employees, third parties, and other interested parties will access the duplicate files and be informed about their roles in a project. 

In addition, it is essential to highlight that its servers provide more flexibility to managers and workers. Both can access information about projects in different locations through different devices.

It is, therefore, optional to be physically present in the office. You only need internet access and the proper credentials to access project data.  

Management Optimization

Managers will have access to a large volume of data about the business. In this way, they will have a global and comprehensive view of the needs of different company segments. This contributes to optimizing administration and helps high-ranking professionals or those with decision-making roles to make bold decisions.

How To Secure Your Cloud Server?

In short, the same controls applicable in local environments are helpful in cloud environments, sometimes differing in adopting technology. Depending on the contracted service model, you will need to apply more or fewer layers of protection, such as protection of information, users, and applications. 

As you can see, protecting cloud servers is essential to ensure information security. Through this practice, it becomes possible to protect the data in the cloud computing system and prevent unauthorized persons from accessing sensitive data. Therefore, we at Future share some tips to help you in this matter in the best possible way.

Also Read: Source Code Protection: 7 Effective Security Practices

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