Digital Transformation In Companies: From Luxury To Necessity

Digital Transformation In Companies: From Luxury To Necessity

Digital transformation in companies is restructuring a corporation’s processes by contemplating digital technologies that bring alternatives to issues such as lack of productivity, agility, effectiveness, and performance.

In this time of financial crisis and pandemic, this topic is even more important because it talks about reinventing yourself and using the opportunities of the digital environment to optimize and improve processes in the corporate environment.

The theme has been discussed and gained attention from companies in all niches around the world. Still, its concept contains many myths, such as being a subject limited to technology institutions, that the sector responsible for transformation is IT or that small digital initiatives are enough to characterize a digital transformation.

Therefore, we developed this article to share everything you need to know about digital transformation – what it is, why you invest in it, and the steps you should follow to implement it in your company.

Explaining Digital Transformation

Many companies emerged before the appearance of the internet. These specifically face a great challenge, changing the rules that mediated the corporation’s progress before the digital age that today cannot be applied. 

Digital transformation is the means that companies use to update and improve performance and ensure greater results, being a process that makes a structural transition in a company, emphasizing technology for this.

It’s not about small interventions, like developing a website or being active on social media; digital transformation is about radically changing the organization’s structure through technology. 

And this action takes time and consumes resources. Still, it is not limited to large companies because implementing this transformation is not limited to financial capacity and is accessible to small and medium-sized institutions.

Why Invest In Digital Transformation

The digital transformation has increased the offer of services and products and allowed physical stores to become e-commerces; it has also generated revolutionary companies that have changed their markets, such as Uber, Spotify, Netflix, and Airbnb. Another considerable change that was only possible due to the digital transformation is the intelligent management of the volume of data currently created – Big Data.

All this innovation has led to changes in companies, so investing in digital transformation is no longer a luxury but a necessity to survive. Improving the customer experience and making operational processes more efficient is fundamental. See about the next topics.

Make The Customer Experience Better

The digital transformation in companies makes it possible to segment the public more precisely, making it easier for targeted offers and personalized approaches to approach the potential customer, generating satisfaction and loyalty. 

Through this resource, it is also possible to better identify what people are commenting about your company by monitoring online networks. This advantage is useful for identifying feedback and thus implementing improvements.

All these means that digital transformation can help in the challenge of focusing on the customer experience, a need that has been seen in the current market and will remain high in the coming years.

More Efficient Operational Processes

Digital transformation improves internal processes, changing them from offline to digital, thus making them more efficient and simple. As a result, procedures are optimized, and the team stops performing bureaucratic and repetitive activities, changes that improve the workflow, making employees more productive. 

A very simple example that allows you to reduce resources is to train employees to use process management tools that facilitate communication and avoid unnecessary meetings.

Digital Transformation In Practice

As you have seen, digital transformation involves restructuring processes, optimizing offline steps, and taking them to the digital environment. For the implementation of this resource to be effective, it is essential to be clear about the organization’s objectives, the bureaucratic obstacles that hinder growth, and the extent to which your company is willing to invest in changes. 

After this analysis, there are some other points that you need to pay attention to and develop for the transformation to become a reality in your company.

Be Strategic

First, you need to understand the possibilities digital transformation can provide for your company, including the opportunities available when you implement the digital environment.

It is not because digital transformation involves optimizing processes that you will fail to carry out an action plan with the steps you want to take and what goals you want to achieve.

Set a specific goal for this change: improve productivity, improve the customer experience, and make integrations, not just for updating. 

Digital Transformation Requires Infrastructure

To implement digital transformation in the company, it is necessary to invest in cloud storage, equipment, software, and others. Which tools will depend on the company’s purpose, which we mentioned in the topic above?

Search for a specialized consultancy that helps carry out an analysis of your company’s needs today and point out which tools digital transformation has to improve these processes.

Bear In Mind That Digital Transformation Must Be Continuous

New alternatives to optimize processes appear every day. The demand to adapt your company to digital transformations will always arise, so you must be clear that this journey is continuous. 

Thinking about digital transformation is complex because it requires actions decided at the top to be shared and embraced by everyone in the company, making it essential that they are taken into account in all strategic decisions and processes. But the benefits are many; after all, your corporation becomes another once you choose to make these changes.

Also Read: The Advantages Of Server Less Technology

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