Data Analysis: How Can The Industry Benefit From It?

Data Analysis: How Can The Industry Benefit From It?

Data Analysis: Industry 4.0 has brought many changes, especially regarding efficiency within industrial processes. In addition to ensuring better quality for the final product and more productivity, it also helps to improve the relationship with the consumer.

One of the most important features of this transformation is data analysis. To be able to produce, the industry needs to follow a series of steps, which begin with planning, go through the purchase of raw materials, and reach the delivery of the final product to the consumer.

These processes end up generating a large volume of relevant data and information, which help to have a clearer view of the various layers of production, such as:

  • The best period for maintenance;
  • Moments of production drop;
  • Products with higher and lower output;
  • Logistic problems;
  • Among many others.

Data analysis is necessary to study and understand all this information and help to clarify several relevant questions. As a result, managers can make more assertive decisions and create strategies to increase productivity, reduce waste and act more intelligently with available resources.

What Is The Role Of Data Management In The Production Process? 

Since the equipment used within the industry is more efficient and technological, data management helps optimize the control of production processes and adds even more value. With the growing competitiveness of the market, there is also a constant need for improvements, ranging from reducing losses to reducing the environmental impact caused by the industry.

In this way, data analysis assumes a primordial role, guiding managers to execute the productive process more efficiently and value. The reliability of information represents a very valuable and competitive tool.

Where To Collect Data In The Industry?

Practically everything done in the industry generates relevant data and information, which must be used to contribute to a more intelligent and strategic decision-making process. This data can be collected from several sources, such as:

  • Operation reports;
  • Performance alerts;
  • Market research;
  • Digital solutions (search tools, websites, and social media);
  • Between others.

What Are The Benefits Of Data Management?

Efficient data management can bring numerous benefits to the industry that applies it, such as:

Greater Growth Opportunities

Access to more complete and realistic information on the processes carried out within the industry and on the market where it is operating helps managers establish forecasts and anticipate growth opportunities. In addition, these predictions can ensure a competitive advantage and bring even more profitability to the business.

Reduction Of Failures And Production Bottlenecks

Process monitoring must be part of the reality of managers in the industrial environment, both to ensure that demands are met and to eliminate possible errors and failures that impact productivity. However, certain factors, such as bottlenecks, are very difficult to predict without access to consolidated data on the activities carried out.

However, data analysis can identify and correct these aspects before they negatively impact the business.

Cost Reduction

Competitiveness makes it necessary to find ways to bring more productivity with the same amount of resources, and consistent data helps in this task. The industry manages to manage all its resources more intelligently, eliminating waste and increasing productivity without making greater investments. Even though these expenses are “hidden” within relevant costs, the information brought can demonstrate more clearly the existence of unnecessary expenses.

Impacts Of Data Analysis On The Industry

Without efficient data analysis and management, the information delivered is just that. They must be analyzed and contextualized to bring positive impacts, such as:

On The Factory Floor

  • Study the uptime of each piece of equipment to schedule maintenance stops more efficiently;
  • Monitor processes more intelligently, allowing them to be adjusted to deliver more productivity and efficiency.

In The Commercial Area

  • Identify products with greater demand and demand, and adjust those that need a differentiated strategy;
  • Study the target audience to deliver more assertive solutions;
  • Increase customer loyalty through more objective and targeted marketing strategies.

The lack of data analysis can lead to inadequate processes being maintained, harming the company’s productivity and profitability. It is essential to study this information to bring more innovation and change within the market.

Also Read: Business Intelligence: What Is It And How To Do Data Analysis

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