Cybersecurity: 10 Facts About Computer Security

As you already understood, computer security involves a series of measures and methodologies to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of files, information, systems, and equipment. 

However, methods and tools are useless if the user does not embrace their responsibility around security. For this reason, we have listed below ten facts ranging from technical and routine aspects to issues directly linked to user behavior. It is up to each one to understand their obligations and duties so that vulnerabilities become less threatening.

#1 Request The Periodic Change Of Registered Passwords

A report by Verizon, an American holding company specializing in telecommunications, shows that about 80% of security breaches in business data are due to weak user passwords. 

This research reinforces the importance of using more complex standards to ensure better protection. However, just using a more robust password is not enough.

One of the big problems in companies is the improper sharing of passwords between employees. It doesn’t seem like a big deal; after all, you share the password with a colleague in a time of need. 

But you have no control over your security and privacy. Therefore, the company must implement in its strategy the periodic request to change the password as a routine for all users. 

In this way, each user maintains the habit of updating their access key, cleaning a possible trail that allows the entry of strangers. In the company’s security policy, you can also establish some requirements, preventing the registration of passwords with less than three digits or easily accessible information, such as username and date of birth.

#2 New Devices Do Not Guarantee Computer Security

Just because you bought a brand new computer or a high-end smartphone doesn’t mean it doesn’t have security vulnerabilities. 

On the contrary, over time, companies release updates to correct the flaws that are found or identified with use. So, new equipment is still a map to be unveiled. And make no mistake: someone will.

#3 All Software Has Security Flaws

Yes, all. Therefore, you must do proper maintenance, leaving updates always up to date. And, of course, never install pirated or suspicious programs. Open-source systems are also more vulnerable as they are exposed to attackers. 

Ideally, the IT professional responsible for computer security should evaluate all software used by the company, installing, managing, and setting permissions according to the type of user.

#4 HTTP Should Be Mandatory

HTTP is a security protocol that must be installed on the server to protect the website. A site without HTTP, in addition to being more vulnerable to the user, is also subject to performance penalties. If you intend to be found in Google searches, you should invest in this security mechanism.

#5 The Cloud Brings New Security Issues You Didn’t Think About

But that doesn’t mean it isn’t still an excellent backup alternative. For example, cloud storage services are more complex than an external hard drive. For this reason, they are less vulnerable.

#6 Software Updates Are Critical

We’ve talked about this before, but it can’t be repeated too often: keeping your systems and applications up to date helps minimize threats. This is because, with each new update, the vulnerabilities found so far are being corrected. 

Asset management can assist in this maintenance. The professional can thus monitor the status of each equipment or application, correcting and updating what is necessary within the correct time frame.

#7 Not All Hackers Are “Evil”

When we talk about “hackers,” the user already trembles. But to find the vulnerabilities of a system, “good” hackers are essential.

People with this skill can find threats to a device or system before an attacker takes advantage of the flaw. They are responsible for finding and fixing vulnerabilities — and the fixes will come in the form of updates, remember?

#8 Cyberterrorism Isn’t Happening Every Day

The relevant cases of cyberterrorism and cyberattacks are those reported by the media. But still, they are in the minority.

The most common attacks are the simplest, which is why it’s so crucial that you take basic precautions like a secure password.

#9 Darknet And Deep Web Are Different Environments

If you’ve heard these terms, you might think they refer to the same thing. But they are different, and each offers various threats.

Darknet is an environment outside the world wide web (www), accessed by separate software. This is where information kidnappings and other cyber crimes take place. Deep Web is within the world wide web but cannot be found through search engines (like Google). 

#10 Systems Help The IT Team In Computer Security

An automation system for the routine activities of the IT team can help the professionals to have better control over the security of their computers

Increasing the efficiency of everyday tasks and improving communication between users and IT, the professional can dedicate himself to tests and strategies that reduce the threats to his company.

Also Read: Cyber ​​Security: Protection That Goes Beyond Data Security

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