Cloud Computing And Blockchain: Revolutionized The World

Cloud Computing And Blockchain: Revolutionized The World

Have you ever stopped to think about how many technologies can benefit companies? Many trends are always emerging, and two of the main ones are Cloud Computing and Blockchain .

Have you ever heard of them? In this post, we will discuss these two concepts and discuss their main attributions in companies. Follow!

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing, is a concept gaining more and more followers. Instead of a physical product, a service is offered in which it is possible to store and access data from any device, as long as it is connected to the internet.

The idea is that cloud computing generates a better use of hardware investments. After all, the most complex and cumbersome part of processing is in the cloud — all of this with the possibility of expanding or reducing capacity without changing equipment just by requesting an upgrade in the service.

Charging also usually follows this logic: the so-called utility computing, which is based on the use of resources that the user makes. How the service is implemented also depends on the needs of those who contract the service. The demand and the number of resources vary for each organization, in addition to the type of access to resources for each employee.

Service Categories

There are three categories of cloud service: private, public and hybrid. The first is made exclusively for one organization. The infrastructure belongs to this single user, who fully controls the deployed applications.

A public cloud is an open network. It has the possibility of being used by several users. From the technical aspect, there is little difference from the private cloud. The biggest difference is in security: the public cloud uses a more vulnerable network. Public cloud service providers include Amazon, AWS, Microsoft, and Google.

A third option is a hybrid cloud. As the name implies, this service comprises public and private cloud models. The hybrid cloud allows the user to have increased private cloud resources. This is done from a reservation of resources in a public cloud.

With this, it is possible to maintain service levels, even if there are variations in the company’s needs. Today, common internet users have access to services that use this technology, such as Dropbox, Google Music, iCloud, and Google Docs. These services are server, website hosting or email.


If you’ve come this far looking for Cloud Computing and Blockchain, you must be curious about the second element. So let’s go. You may have heard about Blockchain probably in the same context as Bitcoin. No wonder: this technology emerged simultaneously with the famous cryptocurrency in 2008.

This was the scenario of the financial crisis. The real estate bubble had just burst, and distrust hovered in the market. But a virtual currency — bitcoin — would reinforce this general fear. This is where Blockchain technology comes in.

With Blockchain, users cannot spend a bitcoin twice or transfer an unreal amount. This is possible because the Blockchain acts as a network of chained blocks that, in addition to their content, carry a “fingerprint”. This thread is one of the keys to understanding technology.

The blocks are grouped. The first block has its fingerprint and content not on itself but on the “colleague” in front of it. And so on. That fingerprint we mentioned is the hash layer. This mathematical function takes a message or file and generates a code with letters and numbers. This code represents the entered data.

The hash transforms a high volume of data into a small amount of information: thus, the “fingerprint” of a block is born. When a block’s content information changes, the hash is also changed. This block information uses the ledger, or ledger, as a language  — where Bitcoin transactions are recorded. There is no way to delete them.

Business Network

In short, Blockchain is an extremely secure business network where people can transfer items of value through a ledger. Everyone who owns Bitcoin has a copy of this ledger, which keeps in sync with the others. The advantage of Blockchain is the elimination of middlemen.

There is no bank controlling everything. The function of this technology is to ensure trust between companies. Therefore, it is also called the trust protocol. On Blockchain, transactions are public, but sensitive parts of the ledger, such as a person’s address, can be private. Furthermore, the risk of fraud is small, thanks to smart contracts.

Cloud Computing And Blockchain In Business

It is possible to list a series of Cloud Computing applications in companies. Among them is greater flexibility about the company’s strategies. Quality Cloud Computing services can easily adjust their structure according to the company’s needs.

This ends up influencing the cost, which decreases. There is no unnecessary expense with idle time to, for example, better prepare for operating peaks. Another applicability is in process optimization. After all, with the cloud, there is no unnecessary IT workforce. It automates most simple tasks like analysis, maintenance, backup and more.

Blockchain, on the other hand, can allow, among other advantages, a company to secure decentralized private records. What happens: Organizations often entrust a third party to protect their databases and information. Which, despite being careful, can lead to failure, which will cause more headaches.

With Blockchain, it is possible to make an individual record encrypted. Only those with a personal key can access it. As we explained, the Blockchain, with its system, would require a hacker to have access to all the keys of the blocks to access one of these data.

Also Read: Blockchain In Several Areas Beyond Cryptocurrencies

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