Business Intelligence vs. Big Data: Understand The Differences

After all, do you know precisely the differences between Business Intelligence vs. Big Data? Digital transformation has introduced us to a series of innovative technologies and concepts.

In this context, it is natural to come across some doubts when differentiating them and to understand the application of each one.

As both concepts are related to the intelligent use of data security, we are talking about two different resources, each with its objectives and applications. Do you want to understand the characteristics of these solutions and how they can be applied in your company? So, enjoy reading!

What is Big Data?

Big Data refers to implementing technological solutions to store a massive volume of data. Its main feature is to make this raw material available so that the company can transform it into relevant information. In practice, it’s the beginning to use data strategically in the daily lives of teams. The point is that transforming data into information is crucial to the success of this planning.

In addition to storing the data, Big Data must be organized to optimize mining, preparation, filtering, and analysis processes. This will depend on our specific goals: a particular tool can be used according to the purpose.

We need to say that Big Data Analytics is an independent solution that performs this type of analysis on material stored in Big Data. In general, its purpose is to provide insights for more efficient decision-making.

What Is Business Intelligence (BI)?

The concept of BI is directly related to actions and decisions taken in the company’s routine. BI is a solution that crosses data and identifies patterns to generate relevant information for the manager in practice.

This may involve, for example, transforming raw data into business reports that help the company direct its marketing and sales actions. In practice, the manager can make decisions based on reliable information.

In times of digital transformation, there is no more ample room for management based on guesswork or just the feeling of leaders. As experienced and skilled as we may be, it is essential to increase the predictability of results so that the chance of achieving them is more significant.

So, the BI solution serves as a tool that turns data into answers to questions that we can hardly answer independently. After all, the software can cross data at a very advanced level, identifying patterns rarely seen by the human eye.

To better understand how Business Intelligence works, it is interesting to look at the 5 steps required for its implementation. Are they:

  1. Mobilize teams and implement technologies;
  2. List objectives;
  3. Map data sources;
  4. Define the architecture of the solution;
  5. Train users and provide access.

Keep in mind that a BI solution must be implemented with specific business objectives. In practice, the software is powerful and can be used in various ways. The point is to align the use to what your company needs.

Big Data vs. Business Intelligence: What’s The Difference?

As you can see, both solutions can be used in an integrated way. After all, each one deals with a different step in transforming data into relevant information.

While Big Data is responsible for collecting, storing, and organizing data, BI’s primary function is to perform analysis and generate insights. It is easy to see that this work becomes more effective when the data source is broader, as the raw material of the study becomes richer.

It is no wonder that more and more companies are adopting these complementary technologies. Decisions are now made based on more reliable information, reducing risks and costs related to the processes.

It is worth noting that Big Data plays a vital role in the medium and long term. After all, it keeps data at the company’s disposal that may not seem so helpful initially but that later becomes essential.

Marketing, for example, can take advantage of target audience behavior data captured on the internet to devise more robust strategies. The BI solution, in turn, helps to anticipate factors that can generate revenue for the business. Based on this, we can decide, for example, which is the right product to invest in.

With this in mind, it is crucial to have the support of experts to design and implement a Big Data and Business Intelligence project. After all, they are more capable and experienced people to take full advantage of these solutions, bearing in mind your organization’s specific objectives.

Also Read: Ten Tips For More Data Security In An Online Business

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