5 Tips For Applying Artificial Intelligence In Sales

5 Tips For Applying Artificial Intelligence In Sales

Artificial Intelligence in Sales: Improving Sales performance is an objective that has become even more challenging in this public health crisis and economic recession scenario.

Emergency alternatives like delivery and drive-thru help, but more is needed. Therefore, companies are looking for ways to make the commercial process more efficient by applying Artificial Intelligence in Sales. 

What was thought for the future is now present and accessible to most companies, regardless of size or area of ​​operation. 

However, the adherence of Salespeople to this digital and automated reality still needs to improve. The main reason is that this professional believes only in the power of the relationship. 

Certainly, the best salespeople have very well-developed human skills. Consequently, they need to gain more familiarity with the technological universe. In contrast, the Marketing team works much more comfortably with data computation.

The Way People Shop Is Also Changing

Before making direct contact, the consumer has researched the Internet, evaluated the company and the product, see the customers, and tried to find out the opinion of the people he trusts. 

When the seller arrives, the consumer has already covered more than half of his purchase journey. Therefore, ‘good talk’ will have little effect, especially for companies that still need to practice an efficient Digital Marketing strategy.

And this is exactly where Artificial Intelligence in Sales comes in. This is because, during the purchase journey, the consumer leaves footprints. When you visit websites, watch videos, fill out forms, and download educational materials.

This generates a huge amount of data that is automatically stored and processed. In addition, there is Machine Learning or machine learning. It is capable of creating new and predictive knowledge about customer behavior. 

The Benefits Of Applying Artificial Intelligence In Sales

If, on the one hand, ‘sales talk’ has little impact, on the other hand, this information that arrives about the customer’s purchase journey makes all the difference.

Still, in this article, you will see how this happens. But first, let’s look at other benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Sales.

With the crisis, resources of all kinds are scarce. Doing more with less is our only option. In this sense, the automation of processes becomes vital because it assumes the operational service in the work routines. And it does so with incredible speed and accuracy.

The Artificial Intelligence associated with CRM – Customer Relationship Management – ​​greatly facilitates the salesperson’s life, allowing him to dedicate himself to hotter customers who need a longer service.

You can also benefit from analyzing other data, such as business transactions and customer history, and calculating the value of each to the business as a whole. 

It is also possible to identify fraud or failures in the process, anticipate problems and suggest appropriate solutions for various possible scenarios.

Despite being related to Sales, all this enables a more general view of the business. The system can display information in a single panel, generate comparative graphs and point out trends. All are based on reliable and exclusive data. 

These benefits make the seller’s life easier and integrate the commercial operation with other areas, providing quick and more assertive customer decision-making conditions.

Infallible Tips For You To Boost Your Commercial Process

As we saw at the beginning of this article, social distancing has changed people’s habits, and they spend even more time on the Internet. We have also already mentioned the need for a good digital presence of companies during the customer’s purchase journey. 

This exposes the need to develop an efficient Digital Marketing Strategic Plan. Without it, it isn’t easy to attract qualified leads to the Sales team. 

The important application of Machine Learning in Digital Marketing is also worth mentioning. They are powerful tools, capable of optimizing campaigns and delivering significant results. Now go to the five golden tips to boost your Sales team with Artificial Intelligence. 

1 – Lead Qualification

With the lead qualification, you can save time with customers ready to buy. How many calls does your team make to measure the ‘temperature’ of leads? How many hours a week does the Sales team dedicate to data analysis? 

This is no longer necessary because the algorithm applies an automatic scoring system. This is done based on historical behavior data. The closer to the profile of the customer you intend to attract – the persona – the higher the score. 

As a result, follow-up becomes more efficient and faster, enabling the seller to prioritize the right customers, at the right time, with the right offer. 

2 – Approach Customization

The salesperson can create a personal narrative by receiving this meticulous detailing of each lead. Essential so that you can achieve the greatest possible engagement.

Personalization also generates the opportunity to improve segmentation by behavior profiles or specific attributes identified in the engagement process. 

3 – Redistribution Of Territories

Usually, territories are distributed based on geographic criteria. Not infrequently, a seller risks getting less promising clients than others. 

It is possible to make this distribution of territories based on scores through predictive analysis, carried out with the help of Artificial Intelligence. That is, identifying the regions where the best prospects are.  

This optimizes the structure of the teams, eliminates the pressure on sellers in less concentrated regions, and increases the chance of closing good deals.

4 – Expansion Of New Markets

With this new mapping in their hands, the Sales teams start helping the company to identify new rising markets.

With predictive modeling, investing in regions with great revenue potential and little exploration by the competition becomes possible. 

Or validate Marketing actions to test the responsiveness of these new markets. In this case, the company can find potential customers using sales and marketing techniques before investing in the region. 

5 – Brand Awareness

This alignment between Sales and Marketing enables the combination of strategies, such as dynamic ads programmed from predictive analytics of the most relevant accounts.  

This ensures that the brand is in a privileged position in the customer’s mind, which the salesperson will call. In other words, based on the predictive score, you segment these customers and implement a remarketing action.

Also Read: Artificial Intelligence: See Four Benefits Of Data Management

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